Now that I'm finally cutting shopping out of my life and I've few days the do all the shopping sprees I found my self thinking 'What do I need?' and weird thing is I seem to have some idea what I do need to have before time is ending. Like punch of stockings. We all know it's one minute fine and next minute is all ruined some sharp object. Weird thing is I rarely use stockings. So why I need those now?
Yesterday I made list what to buy, it was this:
Get some awesome bracelets like from Valentino, Givenchy, Hermes or Bvlgari!
Get some lovely bags from Little liffner! (You can find these from sale at Net-a-porter)
And THAT was it!!!
Today on my lists has this:
Punch of black stockings.
Black pencil skirt by Armed Angels perhaps.
Black Boss's blazer.
A fab scarf of Balmuir.
Brown leather bag.
Rock shirt by Baum und Pferdgarten.
Minicoin necklace by Pernille Corydon.
Awesome bracelets by Hermes.
It's weird how the list gets growing. Like do I really need those eventually? Time will tell.
Edit: I end buying these:
Black Boss's blazer on sale and matching skirt.
A fab scarf from Balmuir, I thought I'm gonna buy cream colored but I end up buying grey one!
I looked and looked brown leather bag but I didn't found any which I would even 80% loved and so I decided that I won't need any. If it doesn't magically pop up somewhere I need to survive without it. And don't know why I wouldn't survive without it because the last time I owned brown leather bag was umm..perhaps 2010. If I've manage perfectly fine without it till now why the sudden need?
The rock shirt, I just didn't had the money to purchase it.
I bought several Pernille Corydon's necklaces and rings from Nougat store.
Still thinking the bracelets.
torstai 28. joulukuuta 2017
No new idea.
This is it! The counting is almost here. Four days make final spurges and that's it for a year. I've promised myself that if I go to London I'm only justified to purchase new nickers and socks. Yes London it's best place by socks. Lol! I know but still it is honestly best place to buy 'cos best variety, best quality and best prices.
I do this for me. I want to know what I really need off my wardrobe, what are essential things. I've a slight understanding what those might be but still I want to be more sure of myself and my style and stop this media nonsense - like if I don't buy this and this I'm not good enough. Really?! While I'm understanding my self more and discovering which stuff is nice and which isn't I'm also getting rid of those BUT not buying more stuff to replace them by better. Yes, I'll accept that if someone else is buying those to me as a gift but that's very unlikely. I do have shopping list but seems it's like never ending. All the time I invent something new to buy so the list isn't really 'finished' or shorter after all. And I'm starting believe that's stopping me getting satisfied by things that I already have in my wardrobe.
If I take all the time what I use shopping and spend it otherwise what it will bring to my life? Will I be more satisfied for my life or hunting more the success? I want to know. I want and need desperately way to change my life from current situation for better situation. My relationship is okay but way I use money isn't - I can't afford buying flat (because u know I spend too much). Well yes maybe in some suburban home which is painted by black paint and is full of used drug needles and that maybe I could afford. But that's not it what I want. So I need to take care more of my career and money. What's now unbalanced - will be back to balance!
Have you notice how blogs came to our everyday life and filled our lives in pretty pictures and stuff what was just one click away from us? Yes, I'm talking about online shopping. It's there for us 24/7. For just us! Go there click something in your basket, purchase it and ohoy it's coming on your way! Do you ask yourself ever did you really need it? How much it will burden the environment? Why you purchased it? How many times you will use it? Nope neither do/did I. I don't think. But I want to start thinking. I read some article about how are our clothes made in those developing countries, how some minor gets killed after sewing final beads into a top after working whole day without any breaks or eating anything. I know you've must been hearing these kind of stories before. I mean I've. But did it change my consumption behavior? Nope. Did it yours?
I sat today at coffee shop. I looked the people who stand in the queue. I saw only labels after labels. After seeing the label I could count how much the individual items cost and how much the whole of outfit cost. Wouldn't be fabulous if you wouldn't be able to do that? That brings it in to my style. I like wearing and using stuff that hasn't got any labels. I don't want to be classified by labels. Do you? If so, why it's so important to you? Less recognizable labels means to me more privacy. Labels are just for marketing, getting people want to buy. I don't want to pay firms that I would be their free marketing space.
I do this for me. I want to know what I really need off my wardrobe, what are essential things. I've a slight understanding what those might be but still I want to be more sure of myself and my style and stop this media nonsense - like if I don't buy this and this I'm not good enough. Really?! While I'm understanding my self more and discovering which stuff is nice and which isn't I'm also getting rid of those BUT not buying more stuff to replace them by better. Yes, I'll accept that if someone else is buying those to me as a gift but that's very unlikely. I do have shopping list but seems it's like never ending. All the time I invent something new to buy so the list isn't really 'finished' or shorter after all. And I'm starting believe that's stopping me getting satisfied by things that I already have in my wardrobe.
If I take all the time what I use shopping and spend it otherwise what it will bring to my life? Will I be more satisfied for my life or hunting more the success? I want to know. I want and need desperately way to change my life from current situation for better situation. My relationship is okay but way I use money isn't - I can't afford buying flat (because u know I spend too much). Well yes maybe in some suburban home which is painted by black paint and is full of used drug needles and that maybe I could afford. But that's not it what I want. So I need to take care more of my career and money. What's now unbalanced - will be back to balance!
Have you notice how blogs came to our everyday life and filled our lives in pretty pictures and stuff what was just one click away from us? Yes, I'm talking about online shopping. It's there for us 24/7. For just us! Go there click something in your basket, purchase it and ohoy it's coming on your way! Do you ask yourself ever did you really need it? How much it will burden the environment? Why you purchased it? How many times you will use it? Nope neither do/did I. I don't think. But I want to start thinking. I read some article about how are our clothes made in those developing countries, how some minor gets killed after sewing final beads into a top after working whole day without any breaks or eating anything. I know you've must been hearing these kind of stories before. I mean I've. But did it change my consumption behavior? Nope. Did it yours?
I sat today at coffee shop. I looked the people who stand in the queue. I saw only labels after labels. After seeing the label I could count how much the individual items cost and how much the whole of outfit cost. Wouldn't be fabulous if you wouldn't be able to do that? That brings it in to my style. I like wearing and using stuff that hasn't got any labels. I don't want to be classified by labels. Do you? If so, why it's so important to you? Less recognizable labels means to me more privacy. Labels are just for marketing, getting people want to buy. I don't want to pay firms that I would be their free marketing space.
Blogitekstit (Atom)